I know what your thinking... It is really big. about 2 meter wingspan. I suck at 3d modeling and I have been wanting to 3d print this for a very long time. I want it to have 2x 90mm edf in it. With thrust vectoring, Flaps and Slats, Retractable landing gear with working gear doors. (preferably that the landing gear is based from an actual product online (or something close to it.)) and if all the parts have spots for the servos to be installed in place. (no sketchy hotglue crap.) And If possible to have all control surfaces (as many as possible) to have internal pushrods like the real plane.
And If all parts can be printed on a standard sized resin printer maybe.
I know this sounds like its complicated but I think it would be a best seller on this website.
And at least printable on 200 x 200 x 220 size please :)
BTW Your business is super cool :D
Have a look on our sister site www.rc3Dmarket.com. There is an F22 there that you may be able to scale to your preferred size?
I am working on something very similar but it is only my second plane. Maybe when I get it closer someone better can improve it. i am new to 3D modeling but getting better, just slow learning the tools and getting the proper shapes. I want the same thing. Freewing has an awesome model but it is around 550 or 600 for everything you just asked for. I worry about how complicated the build would be.
ok maybe no that big, but still as big as you can do it. (also make it work on a 180x180x220 bed. I got a new printer
Hi, thanks. I like the ide of an F22 though at that size on a small print bed I think it would take forever to print! I have a few other products coming along first but never say never…