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The evolution of the legendary Long EZ


This model is based on the Velocity XL, which in turn was a four seat evolution from the Burt Rutan Long EZ. It's distinct airframe utilises a forward wing so that all the surfaces are lifting unlike conventional designs. The Velocity aircraft company have done some amazing things with this airframe from installing twin engines, turbo props and even rocket motors!


This 3D printed micro model of the Velocity utilises the UMX Cessna 182 components (you can buy them here) and the lightweight qualities of low density foaming filament, such as LW-PLA from Colorfabb.


You can also install your own choice of electronics as the airframe wing loading is so low. 


For this 3D printed model we recommend a print bed size of 200mm/200mm/220mm 


THE MODEL IS DESIGNED TO BE PRINTED IN LW-PLA or other low density foaming filament.




Wing Span


Wing Loading


Flying Weight 


RC Components

UMX Cessna 182 motor, 2 x 2.3g micro linear throw micro servos and control board with AS3X. 280mAh 2S

182 or Timber Prop.


Also successfully used parts are: Motor and ESC from Zohd Dart 250, max es9251 servos and a Lemon stabilised receiver.


For a full parts list take a look at the assembly manual.


Parts can be found here.





Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 11.52.05.png

Flight Video


Thanks to Instagram user @jrboolander for this video of his maiden of the Micro Velocity XL.

Micro Velocity

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