UMX Ultrix powered 3D printed RC is here.
The SR-71 Blackbird is one of the most recognisable aircraft in the skies, which is no mean feat for a top secret spy plane.
Developed by Lockheed's Skunk Works division from the similar A-12 it served as a high speed, high altitude spy plane from 1966 until 1999 and still holds the record for the fastest air-breathing manned aircraft, which it set in 1976.
This 3D printed micro model of the SR-71 was designed by Anthony Sole. It utilises the UMX Ultrix RC components (you can buy them here) and the lightweight qualities of low density foaming filament, such as LW-PLA from Colorfabb.
For this 3D printed model we recommend a print bed size of 200mm/200mm/200mm
THE MODEL IS DESIGNED TO BE PRINTED IN LW-PLA or other low density foaming filament.
Wing Span
Wing Loading
Flying Weight
Airframe is 45g minus the 500mAH 1S battery
RC Components
UMX Ultrix motors, servos and control board with AS3X. 500mAh 1S
Ultrix Props can be used but will need trimming, otherwise you can get some 1.6x1.6x4 quad props.
Parts can be found here.
Flight Video
BIG fun in a small package!
Take a look at the amazing Micro SR-71
Build Video
Here is the build video to guide you through your Micro SR-71 assembly.
Print Settings
LW-PLA If you need to learn about LW PLA there is a good thread in here about it.
Middle, Tail and Nose
0.4mm line width
0.25mm layer height
0.4mm nozzle
2 bottom layers,
0 top layers
Vase Mode (Gives it the strength.)
Elevators and Servo Trays
100% infill
3 shells
2 bottom and 2 top layers.
Motor Mounts
As above but in regular PLA.
More information on the build can be found here.
The CG for this model is right on the fuselage seam line.
Micro SR-71